Frequently Asked Questions
Answering your questions
Knowing what to expect from your visit
Frequently asked Questions
Q: What is Osteopathy?
A: A holistic approach that treats the whole person, not just the ailment. It isn't a recipe of techniques.
It's very refined, specialized palpation which allows us to 'listen' with our hands, and dialogue with people's bodies to determine the underlying cause of dysfunction, and offer treatment according to what structure/tissue it is, and what it needs to be able to heal itself.
Q: What is your Osteopathic training?
A: We completed the 7 year program at the Canadian College of Osteopathy in Toronto, from 2012-2019. The first 5 years included extensive learning of anatomy, physiology, neurology, biomechanics, joint mobilizations, cranio-sacral work, visceral work, fascial work, nutrition (and so much more), accompanied by practical training, where we were mentored by our teachers both in class and in student clinic.
Our training included creating our respective thesis proposals and having them approved by a jury of Osteopaths, carrying out our research studies, and writing our thesis on our topics. We then successfully presented our findings to another jury of international and local Osteopaths.
​Q: Is Osteopathy covered under my extended insurance plan?
A: Very likely! It's always best to check with your insurance company.
Q: I don't see any appointments that fit my schedule. Can you make an exception for me and book outside of your posted hours?
A: Unfortunately no, the time that we have off is reserved for family, extracurricular activities and self-care.
Q: If I arrive late for my appointment, can you change the length so I don't have to pay for the lost time?
A: While exceptions are possible on an individual basis, in general this comes at a cost to us as self employed practitioners.
Q: If I ran out of insurance coverage for the year, can I still book an appointment?
A: Yes, absolutely, but it will need to be paid out of pocket, like anyone who doesn't have insurance benefits, such as self-employed individuals.
Q: How does Osteopathy help treat concussions?
A: We are trained to feel areas that have been injured and may not be working at their best, and that includes the cranial bones, brain, cranial dura, venous sinuses and everything in between. Sometimes head injuries and the symptoms caused by them can linger for way longer than we want them to, and our job is to identify these areas and treat them accordingly, using osteopathy, so that they have a better chance at healing more completely.
What to Expect
We will discuss your concerns & health history in a detailed health history interview on your first visit. This gives us an idea of who you are & what you've experienced. It helps us to help you!
There is a set of stairs from the driveway down to the clinic entrance.
Treatments are provided over the clothing, and are gentle & non-invasive.
Appointments will begin and end on time.
Your consent is fluid and can change at any time for any reason - it is your body and you are in control.
A professional, respectful atmosphere will be upheld by the practitioners at all times.
We work diligently to create a quiet, relaxing environment for your treatment experience. You can expect to be warm, comfortable & supported.
Sometimes emotions come to the surface during a treatment. This is a normal, healthy release of pent-up stress, and we always have tissues on hand for such occasions!
When visiting with an infant or child, they often need breaks during their appointment for a reassuring hug from a parent/guardian. You are 100% welcome to breastfeed, bottle feed, provide snacks & interaction as needed.
It is helpful to bring your child's favourite book to read or music to listen to during their appointment to encourage them to be up on the treatment table.
You are welcome to bring your child with you for your appointment if you cannot find child care.
Accepted payment methods are cash, cheque or e-transfer.

Thank you for visiting. If you have a question, please get in touch!